The Nature of Technology
Arthur, W. Brian 2011: The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves. Free Press.
... how new technologies emerge and offering a definitive answer to the mystery of why some cultures—Silicon Valley, Cambridge, England in the 1920s—are so extraordinarily inventive ... ...
Reviewed by Jonathan David Aronson
... Why isn’t there a “theory of technology”? Does technology evolve? To begin his exposition, siding with Schumpeter, Arthur asserts “combination drove change — or at least the innovation of technology” (p. 20). Technological innovations build on previous technological innovations. ...
Transforming Global Information and Communication Markets
The Political Economy of Innovation
By Peter F. Cowhey and Jonathan D. Aronson
With Donald Abelson ...
Extended Table of Contents ... pdf
www.globalinformationandtelecom ... pdf
Nye, D. E. (2004). Technological prediction. In M. Sturken, D. Thomas, & S. J. Ball-Rokeach (Eds.), Technological visions (pp. 159–185). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
M. Sturken, D. Thomas, & S. J. Ball-Rokeach (Eds.), 2004: Technological visions. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Smil, Vaclav 2008: Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years. MIT Press. ...
Smil, Vaclav 2006: Transforming the twentieth century : technical innovations and their consequences. Oxford University Press.
Smil, Vaclav 2005: Creating the Twentieth Century Technical Innovations of 1867-1914 and Their Lasting Impact. Oxford University Press.
Methods for forecasting AI
Given the potential impacts of AI, society would benefit from accurate and timely methods for monitoring and forecasting AI developments.45 Several projects have attempted to forecast AI futures. The 2009
AAAI Presidential Panel on Long-Term AI Futures46 and the 2015 Future of AI Conference47 brought
together AI experts to predict the future of their field. In addition, Stanford’s One-Hundred Year Study on
Artificial Intelligence48 plans to conduct "a series of periodic studies on how AI will affect automation,
national security, psychology, ethics, law, privacy, democracy, and other issues." The first of these studies was published in September 2016 ...
Singularity - or not
Resisting Reduction
Designing our Complex Future with Machines
The notion of Singularity—that AI will supercede humans with its exponential growth, and that everything we have done until now and are currently doing is insignificant —is a religion created by people who have the experience of using computation to solve problems heretofore considered impossibly complex for machines. ...
Nye disruptive teknologier
3D print
Alternativ energi
Big data
Internet of Things (IoT)
Kunstig intelligens
Virtuel virkelighed
Kort gennemgang
3D print
3D print kan disrupte transportbranchen.
Alternativ energi
Big data
Blockchain, fintech
Internet of Things (IoT)
Kunstig intelligens
Baxter - Collaborative Robot Pioneer
Virtuel virkelighed
Jeremy Rifkin 2011: The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World
Ch. 9: Morphing from the Industrial to the Collaborative Era. 259-270. ...
The Third Industrial Revolution ...
Jeremy Rifkin explores how Internet technology and renewable energy are merging to create a powerful new engine of economic growth, wherein hundreds of millions of people will produce their own green energy in their homes, offices, and factories and share it with each other in an "energy Internet." This process will usher in a fundamental reordering of human relationships, from hierarchical to lateral, that will impact the way we conduct commerce, govern society, educate our children, and engage in civic life. The Third Industrial Revolution is an insider's account of the next great economic era, including a look into the personalities and players - heads of state, global CEOs, social entrepreneurs, and NGOs - who are pioneering its implementation around the world. ...
Siden er under konstruktion.
Robot unit growth
The world robot population reached nearly 300,000 in 2016. HSBC estimates their population will grow to 414,000 by 2019. Currently, robot unit growth is running at 15% per year. ...
Patents in 2017
IBM led on patents in 2017, Facebook broke into top 50 for the first time ...
3D print news
Technology roadmap
Atomically precise technologies (APT) hold the potential to meet many of the greatest global challenges, bringing revolutions in science, medicine, energy, and industry. This technology roadmap points the way for strategic research initiatives to deliver on this promise.
APT — An Essential Research Frontier
The long-term vision of all nanotechnologists has been the fabrication of a wider range of materials and products with atomic precision. However, experts in the field have had strong differences of opinion on how rapidly this will occur. ... Holding to Moore’s law demands it, probably in the next 15 years or less.
... applications, such as materials and energy production systems, present greater challenges of product cost or complexity ... ... pdf
• Precisely targeted agents for cancer therapy
• Efficient solar photovoltaic cells
• Efficient, high-power-density fuel cells
• Single molecule and single electron sensors
• Biomedical sensors (in vitro and in vivo)
• High-density computer memory
• Molecular-scale computer circuits
• Selectively permeable membranes
• Highly selective catalysts
• Display and lighting systems
• Responsive (“smart”) materials
• Ultra-high-performance materials
• Nanosystems for APM. ... pdf
Ultra-high-performance materials
Mittal, Vikas ed. 2011: High Performance Polymers and Engineering Plastics. ...
Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
The Project was intended to address the social, political, and public safety aspects of nanotechnology. ...
Nano Futures (Journal) ...
Nanotechnology Revolution
Unbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology Revolution by Eric Drexler and Christine Peterson, with Gayle Pergamit, 1991. ...
Download PDF.
Technology and the future
Technology and the future
Albert H. Teich ed. 2013, 1997, 1993. ...
Role of Technology in Society / Emmanuel G. Mesthene
In: Technology and Values, edited by Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette, Laura Westra
... the establishment/Mesthene vs new left ... ...
History of Technology
T.-P. Hughes, "The Evolution of large technological systems", W.-E. Bijker, T.-P. Hughes (ed.), The Social construction of technological systems (1987, re-issue Cambridge, Massachusetts, M.I.T. Press, 1990), p. 51-83.
T.-P. Hughes, Networks of power. Electrification in western society 1880-1930 (Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1983).
Thomas P. Hughes, 1923-2014
Thomas P. Hughes contributed to the concepts of technological momentum, technological determinism, large technical systems, social construction of technology, and introduced systems theory into the history of technology.
"Towards a History of Technological Thought". A. Picon. 1996: In:
Robert Fox (éd.), Technological change. Methods and themes in the history of technology, London, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1996, pp. 37-49. ... pdf
Technological momentum - technology and society over time
Technological momentum takes technological determinism, and social determinism and adds time as the unifying factor.
Technology and the Future
Thomas P. Hughes, "Technological momentum," in Albert Teich, ed., Technology and the Future, 2000.
Albert Teich, ed.: Technology and the Future, 11th edn., 2008. ... and 12th edn. 2012.
Thomas P. Hughes, "Technological momentum," in Merritt Roe Smith and Leo Marx, ed., Does Technology Drive History?: The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994, pp. 101–113
Cases - Unimate, the first material handling robot
Unimate: The Story of George Devol and the First Robotic Arm
...Devol's invention has reshaped production lines around the world. Famously first embraced by the Japanese, robotic arms are now hard at work in the production of everything from cars to pancakes.
Devol received his patent for "Programmed Article Transfer" in 1961.
The first robotic arm was installed at the General Motors plant in Ewing Township, New Jersey, lifting and stacking hot metal parts. ...
George Charles Devol Jr. (1912 – 2011) was an American inventor known for developing Unimate, the first material handling robot.