

Sociale determinationsfaktorer

Beck, Ulrich 2017: The Metamorphosis of the World: How Climate Change is Transforming Our Concept of the World.
Amazon ...  Google Books ... 

Giddens, A. (1996). Modernitet og selvidentitet. Selvet og samfundet under sen-moderniteten.
Hans Reitzels Forlag.

… “ideology refers to the conscious aspects of subjectivity: beliefs, ideas, values, doctrines, theories, and so on”. (Wright 2010: 283). 
Wright, Erik Olin 2010: Envisioning real utopias. Verso. 

Bourdieu’s concept of habitus identifies the ways in which individuals acquire unconscious dispositions which enable them to function smoothly within a structure of relations.
Wright: Envisioning real utopias. Draft 2009 in PDF.

Passive reproduction
Goran Therborn ... how ideological practices shape social subjects ...
Wright: Envisioning real utopias. Draft 2009 in PDF.

G.A. Cohen has argued that the classical base/superstructure analysis of capitalism in historical materialism relied on functional explanations: the superstructure exists and takes the form it does because it reproduces the economic base. (G.A. Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History: a defense, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978).
Wright: Envisioning real utopias. Draft 2009 in PDF.

Ideology and Power 
What is good? What exists? What is possible?
Therborn, Göran. 1980. The Power of Ideology and the Ideology of Power (London: Verso, 1980). 

Real Utopias Project ...

Ideology is important to conflict 
Shared beliefs create a sense of group identity, specify targets of hostility and enable coordinated action. ... pdf

The Ingenuity Gap 
Thomas Homer-Dixon 
... Can we create ideas fast enough to solve the very problems -- environmental, social, and technological -- we’ve created?
Homer-Dixon pinpoints the “ingenuity gap” as the critical problem we face today. 

Ideology: Its Resurgence 
Jost, J., B. A. Nosek and S. D. Gosling. 2008. “Ideology: Its Resurgence in Social, Personality, and Political Psychology.” Perspectives on Psychological Science 3 (2): 126–36.

Laclau, E. 1997. “The Death and Resurrection of the Theory of Ideology.” MLN 112. 

Leader Maynard, J. 2013. “A Map of the Field of Ideological Analysis.”
Journal of Political Ideologies 18 (3): 299–327.

Žižek S. 1994. Mapping Ideology. London: Verso.

Floridi, L. (2014). The Fourth Revolution. How the Infosphere Is Reshaping Human Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Rushkoff, Douglas 2009: Life Inc.: How the world became a corporation and how to take it back. Random House. 

Our inner lives
In this captivating book, cultural theorist Rushkoff reveals how corporations have come to dominate all aspects of life - including our inner lives - and what to do about it. In tracing the roots of corporatism from the Renaissance to today, Rushkoff reveals the way it supplanted social interaction and local commerce and came to be regarded as a pre-existing condition of our world. ... ...

Reviews ...

Religion og social forandring 

Linda Woodhead
...  Her work examines the relationship between religions and social change, especially in modern times ...

Linda Woodhead - Research Overview
Social Futures and ‘New Publics’
Led by Linda Woodhead (Co-Director) ... 

Lancaster University
Institute for Social Futures

Alfred Schutz

I et af sine sidste værker udvider Schutz forståelsen af livsverdenen til at indbefatte intersubjektive betydningskontekster, videnslagre og kulturelle typifikationer, som aktører bruger til at forklare og orientere sig i verden med (Schutz & Luckmann 1973:4). v/Martin Lindhardt: ... pdf 

Alfred Schutz and Thomas Luckmann: The structures of the life-world. Nota e-bog. ... 

Alfred Schütz (1899 – 1959) 
He related Edmund Husserl's work to the social sciences, and influenced Max Weber's legacy of philosophical foundations for sociology.ütz

Forum for eksistentiel fænomenologi  
Litteraturliste til John Mortensens tekster. Upubliceret kapitel fra afhandlingen Livsverdenen, dens grænser og hinsides dem. Publiceret i 2013 på ... pdf  

The mediated construction of reality  
... how social theory can understand the processes through which an everyday world is constructed in and through digital media.  
Nick Couldry. Polity Press 2017. ... 


Kritik der zynischen Vernunft  
Hans Jørgen Thomsen: Sloterdijks historiefilosofiske tese er, at den kyniske bevidsthed gennemsyrer alt og alle i det senmoderne samfund. 
Civilisatorisk hegemoni over livsprocesserne 
6 kardinalkynismer, som hver for sig og til sammen udgør byggestenene i hegemoniet: militærkynismen, stats- og suverænitetskynismen, seksualkynismen, medicinkynismen, religionskynismen og videnskynismen. ... 

Siden er under konstruktion.

Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

Annales school

Cauvin, Jacques 2008: The Birth of the Gods and the Origins Agriculture (New Studies in Archaeology). 

... the synthesis of his mature understanding of the process beginning around 14,000 years ago challenges ecological and materialist interpretations, arguing for a quite different kind of understanding influenced by ideas of structuralist archaeologists and members of the French Annales school of historians. Defining the Neolithic Revolution as essentially a restructuring of the human mentality, expressed in terms of new religious ideas and symbols, the survey ends around nine thousand years ago, when the developed religious ideology ... ... 

Max Weber

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism ...

How Human Values Evolve  
Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels: How Human Values Evolve.
(The Tanner Lectures, edited and with an introduction by Stephen Macedo and commentaries by Richard Seaford, Jonathan D. Spence, Christine M. Korsgaard, and Margaret Atwood), Princeton University Press, 2015.


Teilhard de Chardin and transhumanism - complexification
Steinhart, E. (2008). Teilhard de Chardin and transhumanism. 
Journal of Evolution and Technology 20, 1–22. 
... Teilhard refers to the emergence of increasingly complex systems as complexification. Today we are more likely to talk about self-organization. ... degrees of complexity correspond to degrees of consciousness. (Teilhard, 1955, The Phenomenon of Man, pages 60-61, 301).
Teilhard and Kurzweil:... Teilhard’s writings outline a series of epochs of complexity. These closely resemble the six epochs of complexity described by Kurzweil (2005: 7-33). 
... Christians will increasingly pay it their attention. They may feel increasingly threatened by transhumanism and come to see it as a heresy (Bainbridge, 2005).
Various conservative Christians have already opposed transhumanism (Wiker, 2003; Hook, 2004; Daly, 2004; Hart, 2005).

Organizations devoted to the study of Teilhard’s thoughts 
American Teilhard Association
British Teilhard Association maintains
1937: Teilhardian phenomenology takes on its distinct form. It is wholly different from that of Edmund Husserl.

Teilhard de Chardin, P. 1955/2002. The Phenomenon of Man. Trans. B. Wall. New York: Harper Collins.
Teilhard de Chardin, P. 1959/2004. The Future of Man. Trans. N. Denny. New York: Doubleday.
Teilhard de Chardin, P. 1966. Man’s Place in Nature. Trans. R. Hague. New York: Harper & Row.
Teilhard de Chardin, P. 1973. Toward the Future. Trans. R. Hague. New York: Harcourt.
Teilhard de Chardin, P. 1974. Christianity and Evolution. Trans. R. Hague. New York: Harvest.
