Population macromodels
Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth ...
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Er vi for få mennesker på vores planet?
... Ifølge FNs fremskrivning vil befolkningstilvæksten være meget ulige fordelt. ... ...
Bacci, Massimo Livi (2006). “A Concise History of World Population”, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK –
Cambridge, Mass. - London.
Durand, John D. (1974). “Historical Estimates of World Population: An Evaluation”, University of
Pennsylvania, Population Studies Center, Philadelphia. ...
UN (2004). “World Population to 2300”, United Nations, New York ... pdf
UN (2010). “World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision”, United Nations, New York.
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UN (2012a). “Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge”, United Nations Population Fund
and HelpAge International, New York. ...
WHO (2007). “The world health report 2007. A safer future: global public health security in the 21st century”, World Health Organization, WHO Press, Geneva. ... pdf
Anthropocene: Planet Earth has entered new epoch, experts say
'The phenomenon is of sufficient scale to be considered as part of the Geological Time Scale'.
The idea that the world had entered an epoch defined by humans was first suggested in 2000 by scientists Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer.
... Dr Colin Waters, secretary of the Anthropocene Working Group, compared the changes made by humans on Earth to the end of the last ice age some 11,500 years ago, the start of the Holocene epoch. ...
Define the Anthropocene in terms of the whole Earth ...
Den demografiske faktor
Befolkningsudvikling og befolkningssammensætning.
Demografi er græsk og betyder "befolkningsbeskrivelse". Demografi eller befolkningslære er videnskaben om et givet områdes befolkningsforhold, dets størrelse, sammensætning og udvikling, samt de forhold og egenskaber, der har indflydelse på det.
Journal of Demographic Economics
Demographic variables such as fertility, mortality, migration and family structures notably respond to economic incentives and in turn affect the economic development of societies. ...
Cambridge Core blog ...
World Population Trends
World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision ...
Demography and K-waves
There are also some demographic and economic reasons why the phase of self-regulating systems will start in medicine: – Increase in average life expectancy and population ageing will favor not only the growth of medical opportunities to maintain health, but also allow the extension of working age, as population ageing will be accompanied by the lack of working-age population. ...
The sixth Kondratieff wave and the cybernetic revolution
The sixth K-wave will probably begin approximately in the 2020s. Meanwhile the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution has to begin later, at least, in the 2030–2040s. Thus, we suppose, that a new technological mode will not develop in a necessary form even by the 2020s. ...
The final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution and the first phase of the medical revolution.
Another scenario. The final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution can begin later – not in the 2030s, but in the 2040s. In this case the A-phase of the sixth wave will terminate before the beginning of the regulating systems revolution; therefore, it will not be based on fundamentally new technologies and will not become so powerful as is supposed in the previous scenario. The final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution in this case will coincide with the B-phase of the sixth wave. ...
Demografi historie
Milepæle i den demografiske historie
100.000 fvt. - Omkransningsteori
Mennesket udvandrer fra Afrika.
10.000 fvt. istid slutter
Det varmere klima muliggør befolkningsvækst.
Befolkningsvæksten medfører spisning af vildt korn og herefter dyrkning af korn, der indleder overgangen fra jæger-samlersamfund til nomade landbrugssamfund.
6000 fvt. - flodkulturer - bofaste landbrugssamfund
Naturlig gødning fra floder medfører bofaste landbrugssamfund i Mesopotamien, Ægypten og Kina og muligør befolkningsvækst.
Udviklingen af kornlagre muligør yderligere befolkningsvækst.
1000 evt.- Landbrugsteknologisk udvikling
Bedre plov og seletøj effektiveserer landbrugsproduktionen og muliggør befolkningsvækst.
1348, pest i Europa
Befolkningstallet bliver næsten halveret.
Jordejerne mangler arbejdskraft og det får forskellig betydning i hhv. Øst- og Vesteuropa.
I Vesteuropa bliver folket lidt friere.
I Østeuropa skærpes undertrykkelsen.
Årsagen til de to forskellige udviklingslinjer er, at i Vesteuropa er handelskapitalismen vokset frem og tilbyder mere frihed en stavnsbånd.
Malthus: Landbrugsproduktionen kan ikke følge med befolkningsvæksten.
Industrialisering: Byerne kan bruge befolkningsoverskud fra landet.
The Black Death and the Transformation of the West
David Herlihy 1997: Harvard University Press. Google Books.
Den sorte død
Den sorte død begyndte i Messina i 1347.ød
Mortality statistics
In the field of statistics and applied probability, John Graunt published Natural and Political Observations Made upon the Bills of Mortality also in 1662, initiating the discipline of demography.
Boserup, Ester 1965:The Conditions of Agricultural Growth.
Boserup, Ester 1981: Population and Technological Change.
Boserup, Ester biografi
Hekse, befolkningsvækst og politik.
Hekse forfølges fordi deres praksis modarbejder statens krav om en hurtig befolkningsvækst efter pesten næsten halverede Europas befolkningstal fra 1348.
Hekse og kloge koner hjalp bl.a. kvinderne med prævention og abort.
Menneskeproduktion: befolkning, stat, familie
Heinsohn, Gunnar 1981: Menneskeproduktion: befolkning, stat, familie. Kurasje. ...
Birth Control Political-Economy
Heinsohn, Gunnar; Steiger, Otto (1999). "Birth Control: The Political-Economic Rationale behind Jean Bodin's Démonomanie". History of Political Economy. 31 (3): 423–448.
... The rationale behind Bodin: ... Den lille istid, pesten og spansk sølv fra Potosi-minen ... merkantilisme. ...
Jean Bodin (1530–1596)
... Bodin's major work on sorcery and the witchcraft persecutions was first issued in 1580.
The Black Death
The epidemic in fact began with an attack that the Mongols launched on the Italian merchants’ last trading station in the region, Kaffa (today Feodosiya) in the Crimea. In the autumn of 1346. ...
Scheidel, Walter ed. 2001: Debating Roman demography. Brill.
Scheidel, Walter 1966: Measuring sex, age and death in the Roman Empire: explorations in ancient demography. Journal of Roman Archaeology. ...
The Economic Impact of Population Change
Population growth impacts the size of society’s work force and
consumption. Society’s consumption in turn impacts the level of
production. Since consumer spending makes up approximately two
thirds of GDP, demographics has a very large impact on the economy.
Changes in our interest rates, wages, production, inflation, investments,
retirement and pensions are all directly affected by demographic
change. ... This data is a reflection of the Kondratieff long-waves.
Cheung, Edward 2007: ... pdf
Cheung, Edward 2007: Baby Boomers, Generation X and Social Cycles
Volume 1: North American Long-waves. Longwave Press.
This is the first book to provide statistical evidence to link the long-waves of social change to demographics for the past 200 years in North America. ... pdf
United-Nations, D. o. I. E. a. S. A., 1992. Long-range World Population Projections _Two Centuries of Population Growth: 1950-2150. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. United Nations, New York.
Explaining the Class Gap in Marriage
... those with college degrees are more likely to postpone marriage and children until after they feel financially stable, ...
sociologists Sharon Sassler and Andrew Cherlin weigh in on this divergence in marriage rates. ...
Gridded Population of the World ...
Lang, R. E. and D. Dhavale., 2005. Beyond Megalopolis: Exploring America’s New “Megapolitan” Geography. Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech, Census Report
05:01, July 2005.
The Rise of the Mega-Region
Richard Florida, Tim Gulden, Charlotta Mellander. 2007. ...